If you go looking for an electronic keyboard, it would be almost impossible to ignore Yamaha. They make keyboards in every price range and their keyboards are among the most readily available in music shops around the world. Are Yamaha Keyboards Good? To answer this question, we will look at a few characteristics of Yamaha keyboards to decide if they are worth all the hype.
There is no doubt that Yamaha keyboards offer excellent value for money. However, there is a fine line between something being cheap and something being affordable but good. Let’s find out which side Yamaha Keyboards fall in.
Table of Contents
Are Yamaha Keyboards Durable?
Whenever a brand is known for offering highly affordable keyboards, the first question that is bound to pop up is whether they are built properly. The great news here is that even with their cheapest offering, Yamaha ensures that the build quality is great. All their keyboards are built to last. Obviously, the high-end models have a much more premium feel and can rival the best keyboards out there easily. The simple fact of the matter is that irrespective of the price range you opt for, Yamaha keyboards won’t disappoint as far as build quality and durability is concerned. Very rarely do people end up with a Yamaha keyboard that has a manufacturing defect, but this is where Yamaha’s extensive worldwide network and generally great customer service come in. It is very easy to get such issues sorted out.
Do Yamaha Keyboards Have Enough Features?
The outright number of features was never a problem for electronic keyboards, irrespective of the brand, from the very inception of these instruments. It was one of the core reasons behind their quick market proliferation in a relatively short timeframe. With the sound being digitally produced, packing in hundreds of features wasn’t a problem even during the early days. What used to take a hit was the quality of the features. Most of them were terrible, and this was true for Yamaha keyboards as well. You had to spend a lot of money to get a keyboard where all the features were actually good instead of it being a gimmick. However, this was the past, and both electronics and competition have come a long way. Yamaha keyboards are now at the forefront of providing great features that can actually be used at scarcely believable price points.
Take the recently launched Yamaha PSR E473. It costs a little over $200, which makes it a mid-end keyboard at best, and yet it comes with features that are so good that you could use them in a professional setting, and no one would be the wiser. If a lower mid-end keyboard from Yamaha can be this good, just imagine how mind-bogglingly amazing the high-end keyboards would be. Yamaha has been a massive boon for keyboardists. Unlike musicians who play other instruments, the price of the instrument here is not an obstacle in most cases, as even the most affordable option can get you through the beginner phase of your life as a keyboardist, and Yamaha has been at the forefront of enabling this luxury.

>>Also Read: Piano vs Keyboard: Is Piano and Keyboard the Same?
Can Yamaha Keyboards Be Used In A Professional Setting?
They most certainly can and are used in professional settings. This is one of those cases where it depends more on the musician than the instrument. Aside from the really entry-level keyboards like the A50 or the F52, everything else on the Yamaha line-up of keyboards can be used in a passable manner in a professional setting. The affordable models thus make for the perfect backup keyboard. Every Yamaha keyboard in the mid-end to the high-end range, starting from the SX600, can be used as the primary instrument even in the most professional of settings.
If you are brand-conscious, though, a Yamaha keyboard might not seem premium enough. This is, however, something that is totally in the eye of the beholder. For all real intents and purposes, Yamaha keyboards are as good as any keyboard by the more premium brands like Korg and Roland while costing far less.
Can Yamaha Keyboards Be Used As MIDI Keyboards?
One common theme so far has been the versatility that Yamaha keyboards possess. In fact, they are so versatile that almost every model can also be used as a MIDI keyboard. Whether you should or not is a different question. Here are a few things that are great about using Yamaha keyboards as MIDI keyboards
- Usually more durable than most specialized MIDI keyboards, especially in the entry-level segment
- The onboard accompaniment features can be used as an advanced metronome
- You can create highly textured sounds by combining the onboard sounds with those of the DAW
Here are a few things that aren’t so great about using keyboards as MIDI keyboards
- They tend to be a lot bulkier and heavier
- The more advanced MIDI controls are usually not available or very difficult to implement
- The really basic MIDI keyboards tend to be much more affordable than most Yamaha keyboards
- If all you need is a MIDI controller and nothing else, then an electronic keyboard will be overkill
Are Yamaha Keyboards Better Than Casio Keyboards?
The other brand that offers almost the exact type of instruments in almost the same price brackets is Casio. Like Yamaha, Casio is also a Japanese brand, and they too hold a fair share of the electronic keyboard market. Oftentimes, it can be really difficult to choose between the two brands. However, Yamaha is the slightly better brand because of the following reasons:
- Better track record when it comes to durability and build-quality
- Better after-sales support
- Higher brand value
- Sound samples are generally better

How To Choose The Yamaha Keyboard That’s Perfect For You?
When shopping for a Yamaha keyboard, the biggest problem is having too many choices. There are just so many great options that narrowing it down to one keyboard from such an expansive line-up can seem like a huge chore. This choice can be made a lot easier by considering a few factors.
The first thing to do is to list down the essential features you absolutely need. Then decide if you plan to use the keyboard for a long time or if you have plans to upgrade. Then decide the maximum amount of money you are willing to spend. When all these are taken into account, it will be a lot easier to narrow down your choices. Then, check the models that fall within your search criteria in person at a local store. Knowing how an instrument feels and sounds in person will make it a lot easier to make the right choice. If that is not possible, then check as many review videos as possible on YouTube, and that should give you a pretty fair idea of which Yamaha keyboard to choose for yourself.
Pros Of Yamaha Keyboards
- Excellent value for money
- Great choices at every price point
- Easily available
- Some of the best after-sales service
- Great build quality and durability
Cons Of Yamaha Keyboards
- Too many keyboards in very similar price ranges
- Fewer connectivity options in the entry-level segment
- Preference is often given to quantity over quality when it comes to features
Are Yamaha Keyboards Good? – Verdict!
Yamaha has been a blessing for musicians around the world as they have made it almost compulsory for brands to offer an insane number of features at really low pric.es in the digital instruments segment. If you are in the market for a keyboard, Yamaha is a name that you cannot and should not ignore as they are not just good but, in many cases, the best brand of keyboards you can choose and definitely worth the money you will pay for them.
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